In the first half of 2023, the research team held a series of lectures on the process of emulating and recording songs in bel canto style. Below, you can find a list of these lectures. The links will take you to a new page with recordings of the sessions.
Historical Recording Emulation Session 1 – 1 March 2023.
Historical Recording Emulation Session 2 – 15 March 2023.
Historical Recording Emulation Session 3 – 29 March 2023.
Historical Recording Emulation Session 4 – 12 April 2023.
Historical Recording Emulation Session 5 – 26 April 2023.
Historical Recording Emulation Session 6 – 10 May 2023.
Bériot, Charles-Auguste de, Méthode de violon, Op.102, Part 3 English translation by W.J. Westbrook and Dr. Phipson (Mainz: B. Schott’s Söhne, n.d.)
Caruso, Enrico. How to Sing. Opera Box, 1973.
Cinti-Damoreau, Laure, Méthode de chant composée pour ses classes du Conservatoire (French) (Paris: au Ménestrel, 1849)
Corri, Domenico, The Singer’s Preceptor, Volume 1 (Edinburgh: J Johnson, n.d.)
Corri, Domenico, The Singer’s Preceptor, Volume 3 (Edinburgh: J Johnson, n.d.)
Faure, Jean-Baptiste, La voix et le chant: traité pratique (French) (Paris: Henri Heugel, 1886)
Garcia, Gustave. A guide to Solo Singing. Containing Full Instructions for Singing, with a Detailed Analysis of Some Well-Known Works and Songs (London: Novello & Co., 1912)
Garcia, Manuel, Hints on Singing, English Translation (London: Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, 1894)
Garcia, Manuel, Garcia’s new Treatise on the Art of Singing (Boston: O. Ditson Company, 1924)
Garcia, Manuel, A Complete Treatise on the Art of Singing, 2nd ed. (New York: Da Capo Press, 1975)
Garcia, Manuel, Ecole de Garcia, Traité Complet de l’art du Chant 1ère partie (French) (Paris: L’auteur, 1840)
Garcia, Manuel, Ecole de Garcia, Traité Complet de l’art du Chant en 2 parties (French) (Paris: L’auteur, 1847)
Lamperti, Francesco, The Art of Singing (New York: G. Schirmer, c.1890)
Lamperti, Francesco, Guida Teorico-Pratica-Elementaire per lo Studio del Canto (Italian) (Milano: G. Ricordi, 1864)
Lehmann, Lilli, How to Sing (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924)
Marchesi, Mathilde, The Art of Singing Book 1, Opus 21, 2nd ed. (New York: G. Schirmer, 1904)
Marchesi, Mathilde, Theoretical and Practical Vocal Method, Op 31 (Unknown Publisher, 1910)
Nava, Gaetano, Method of Instruction for Baritone Voice, Charles Santley ed. (London: Boosey & Co., 1872)
Plunkett Greene, Harry, Interpretation in Song (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912)
Tetrazzini, Luisa. How to Sing (New York: George H. Doran Company, 1923)
Austin, Stephen, “Carlo Bassini’s The Art of Singing, Part 1”, Provenance, May/June 2010, pp. 591-598.
Bloem-Hubatka, Daniela, The Old Italian School of Singing: A Theoretical and Practical Guide (Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 2012)
Cathcart, Robyn, The Singing School of Manual García II, M.A. Diss, The University of Victoria, 2003.
Chapman, Janice L, Singing and Teaching Singing: A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice (San Diego: Plural Publishing, 2016)
Freitas, Roger, “Singing Herself: Adelina Patti and the Performance of Femininity”, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 71:2, 2018, pp. 287–369.
Foreman, Edward, The Art of Bel Canto in the Italian Baroque (Minneapolis: Pro Musica Press, 2006)
Johnson-Read, Lynette, Chmiel, A., Schubert, E., Wolfe, J, “Performing Lieder: Expert Perspectives and Comparison of Vibrato and Singer’s Formant With Opera Singers”, Journal of Voice, 29:5, 2015, pp. 645.e15-645.e32.
Joiner, James Richard, The Vocal Principles of Garcia as Represented by His Pupils: Bataille, Marchesi, and Stockhausen, PhD diss., Louisiana State University, 1979.
Moran, William, Herman Klein and the Gramophone (Portland: Amadeus, 1990)
Potter, John, The Cambridge Companion to Singing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
Potter, Sarah, Changing Vocal Style and Technique in Britain during the Long Nineteenth Century, PhD Diss., The University of Leeds, 2014.
Radomski, Teresa, “Manuel García (1805-1906): A Bicentenary Reflection”, Australian Voice 11. 2005.
Scott, Michael, The Record of Singing (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993)
Steane, J.B., The Grand Tradition: Seventy Years of Singing on Record (Portland, Amadeus Press, 1993)
Steane, John, Singers of the Century (Portland: Amadeus Press, 1996)
Toft, Robert, Bel Canto: A Performer’s Guide (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013)
Van Stade, Koenraad, Discovering Ideals of Expressivity and Artistry in 19th-Century Vocal Performance: Re-enacting Schumann’s Dichterliebe, PhD. Diss., The University of Sydney, 2022.
Whitener, Joshua J, The German School of Singing: A Compendium of German Treatises 1848-1965, PhD diss., Indiana University, 2016.
The links below will take you to…
Robert Toft, Bel Canto: Historical Performance, Passionate Voices, Western University.
Header images (L-R): The mouth cavities of a soprano (A), tenor (B) and baritone (C) at rest and whilst singing. Illustration made from studies by Francesco Bennati | Lepelletier de la Sarthe A. Physiologie médicale et philosophique: Volume 4. Paris: Chez Germer Baillière, 1833 | Vocal sensation of soprano and tenor from Lilli Lehmann, Meine Gesangskunsk (How to Sing). New York: The MacMillan Company, 1902.